AMV GROUP has taken another step in the vaccine supply chain by cooperating in production and technology transfer with domestic manufacturers from foreign partners; Da LAt Pasteur Vaccine Company Limited (DAVAC)
With nearly 15 years of experience in investment, marketing, distribution, and development of focused products for the medical industry, AMV Medical Service expands an investment project to provide diagnostic testing equipment on-site or clinics (POC), including TRIAGE (testing for the cardiovascular syndrome, heart failure, heart failure). kidney) and EPOC (testing blood gas, electrolytes, and metabolism parameters), BGMS (individual blood glucose tester), LIPIDOCare (Personal blood lipid tester), SD A1cCare (handheld HbA1c tester), and several other devices.
With many contributions to preventing the Covid-19 epidemic over the past time, Duc Minh Medical Joint Stock Company (AMV Group) was awarded a Certificate of Merit by Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long.
AMV Group ended its fourth term and moved to its fifth term at the same time it turned 20 years old (2001-2021). During the 20 years of establishment and development, AMV has witnessed many positive and upward changes in Vietnam, while also taking advantage